Leesburg Well-Woman Exams

Midatlantic OBGYN

Obstetrics & Gynecology located in Centreville, VA & Leesburg, VA

An annual well-woman exam is one of the most important steps you can take to safeguard your reproductive and sexual health. If you would like to schedule a well-woman exam in our Leesburg or Centreville offices, do not hesitate to reach out. During your evaluation, one of our caring OBGYNs will address any concerns you may have as well as perform preventative testing.

Importance of a Well-Woman Exam

Keeping your body healthy should be one of your primary goals. After all, you cannot care for your family, perform well at work, or feel good about yourself if you have lingering health problems.

Receiving an annual well-woman exam in our Leesburg office involves a comprehensive checkup to ensure you are doing all you can to live your best life. The exam includes diagnostic tests to determine if you are at risk for disease or have medical conditions that warrant treatment. If you have a health problem, early intervention gives you the best chance of recovery without complications.

These evaluations also ensure that you are up-to-date with current healthcare recommendations for things like mammograms, pap smears, or vaccinations.

Our OBGYNs may also discuss your mental and emotional wellbeing. The stresses and anxiety of life can sneak up. If needed, trained gynecologists can offer an assessment to screen for common mental health conditions like anxiety and depression.

What to Expect at an Annual Well-Woman Exam

A well-woman exam involves a comprehensive check of your health, including your vitals such as height, weight, and blood pressure. The OBGYN may speak with you about your family’s medical history, your menstrual cycle, and sexual history, as well as any surgeries or prior pregnancies.

Then you undergo a pelvic exam and clinical breast exam. Regular mammograms are recommended once you reach the age of 40. Depending on when you last received one, the OBGYN may also conduct a pap smear as well. At this checkup, you can discuss any unusual symptoms you may be experiencing. This includes unusual vaginal discharge, irregular or heavy menstrual bleeding, pain during intercourse, pelvic pain, or bloating. If you are concerned about sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), you can request testing during this evaluation as well. Discrete, professional STI testing is available if needed or requested but it is not included as a regular part of a well-woman visit in our Leesburg and Centreville offices.

Your OBGYN can also help you with bowel or bladder problems, acne concerns, birth control or family planning, sexual education, mental health, or weight management. Well-woman exams encompass many concerns a patient might have at any stag in her life.

Pap Smear and Pelvic Exam

A pap smear involves inserting a specialized gynecological tool called a speculum into the vagina that allows the doctor to visualize and gently scrape the cervix with a collection swab. The swab goes to the lab for detection of abnormal or precancerous cells. The collection is quick and usually painless. A gynecologist then completed the exam by feeling for any abnormalities in the uterus, ovaries, and other parts of the pelvic area. Women over the age of 30 may receive HPV screening as well.

Breast Exam

During a breast exam, a gynecologist will palpate the breasts feeling for abnormal masses or lumps. The exam is painless and only takes a couple of minutes. Your doctor may go over how to perform the exam so you can do monthly checks on yourself. Women over 40 should undergo annual or biennial mammograms.

Starting Well-Woman Exams

Girls and women in Leesburg benefit from having their first well-woman exam between 13 and 15 years old. Exams at this age do not include a pap smear or pelvic exam (unless unusual symptoms such as heavy bleeding are present) but creates an opportunity to build a trusting relationship with an OBGYN.

Pap smears and pelvic exams generally start at 21 years old or at the time sexual activity commences. If results are normal, you should have these screening tests once every three years or on a schedule determined by your provider.

Schedule a Well-Woman Exam at Our Leesburg Office

It is easy to let your health slide as you manage the ins and outs of daily life. We understand why women often put off healthcare needs until something is wrong. Wellness checks may catch and prevent issues before they become too problematic. Our office offers a convenient location and compassionate space for women to take this step in protecting their health.

If you are due for an annual well-woman exam, contact our office in Leesburg or Centreville. Our staff is available and happy to help with your healthcare needs.