Preeclampsia in Leesburg

Preeclampsia in Leesburg

Pregnancy changes your body in a broad spectrum of ways that add a substantial amount of excess stress and effort. For some women, blood vessels within the placenta do not develop properly, resulting in a condition known as preeclampsia.

As a result, women with preeclampsia in Leesburg develop abnormally high blood pressure that puts their pregnancy and health at risk. Schedule an obstetrics consultation to assess your blood pressure and to discuss treatment options in the event of a diagnosis.

How Preeclampsia Affects the Body

Preeclampsia develops during pregnancy and causes high blood pressure, which, if untreated, could result in damage to organs, including the kidneys and liver. Typically, the condition develops after 20 weeks of pregnancy, even in women with no history of blood pressure problems, and may not cause recognizable symptoms. The best approach is to monitor blood pressure throughout pregnancy and receive treatment in Centreville or Reston if high blood pressure occurs on two occasions at least four hours apart.

In addition to high blood pressure and possible organ damage, preeclampsia has several other indicating symptoms. For instance, treatment may be necessary if you develop nausea, severe headaches, vision changes, and upper abdominal pain around the right-side ribs. Additional preeclampsia symptoms include declining urine output, liver and kidney problems, and sudden weight gain or swelling, especially in the hands and face.

Preeclampsia Treatment Options in Leesburg

The condition requires medical treatment as soon as possible to prevent additional complications, some of which are fatal. All treatment methods aim to manage preeclampsia symptoms while ensuring the health and safety of the woman and baby.

Inducing Birth

After confirming a diagnosis with blood tests, urine analysis, and fetal ultrasounds, it may be time to discuss preeclampsia treatment options, as there are several approaches. In some cases, the safest preeclampsia treatment is giving birth if the pregnancy has reached at least 37 weeks to relieve the body from the added stress of pregnancy. However, if the condition develops before this point and is mild, monitoring the mother and performing regular blood and urine tests to track preeclampsia development may be preferable.


For some women, preeclampsia treatment in Centreville requires medications, such as antihypertensives to lower blood pressure. Since this condition could cause seizures and strokes, patients may be prescribed an anticonvulsant medication. Further, if preeclampsia affects liver functioning, you might have to start taking corticosteroids to improve platelet and liver functioning. However, this may prolong pregnancy for additional fetal growth.


In rare, severe cases of preeclampsia, you may need hospitalization to monitor the condition and provide intravenous medications that prevent complications. You may receive steroid injections during preeclampsia hospitalization to help quicken the fetus’ lung development. For severe preeclampsia patients whose pregnancy reaches 37 weeks, delivery as soon as possible is best for relieving existing and preventing additional complications.

Schedule a Preeclampsia Consultation in Leesburg to Discuss Treatment Methods

Preeclampsia is a serious health condition that affects two out of eight pregnant women. Since the condition has significant health risks, including internal organ damage to your body, seeking treatment for preeclampsia in Leesburg is essential.

Though the best treatment for this condition is delivering your baby, there are several options to accommodate your unique circumstances. Schedule a consultation at our Centreville office to further discuss the treatment options and the best approach for ensuring your health and the safety of your pregnancy.